
Making a Difference Together

At Eagle’s Wings Cares, our mission is to create positive change in the lives of those who need it most. Through our dedicated services, we strive to uplift communities, provide essential resources, and foster hope.

Community Support

Connect with a network of understanding peers who share your experiences. We offer support groups, kinship care peer events, and mentorship opportunities to ensure you never feel alone.

Therapy and Counseling

Navigate the emotional complexities of kinship care with professional guidance. Our services are available for individual caregivers, children, and entire kinship triad to provide the support you need.

Family Support and Wrap-Around Services

Address your family’s holistic needs with our wide range of services. From social services referral and educational resources to referrals for childcare or after-school programs, we’re here to help.

Kinship Care Services

Benefit from specialized support tailored for kinship caregivers. Our offerings include training workshops, legal guidance referral, and assistance with navigating the foster care system.

Digital Literacy and Access Program

Our Digital Literacy and Access Program bridges the technology gap for marginalized communities. We provide computer access, internet connectivity, and digital skills training, empowering individuals to access vital resources, connect with opportunities, and navigate the digital world with confidence. Together, we foster inclusivity and digital equity for all.

Eagle's Wings Training

At Eagle’s Wings CARES, we are dedicated to prioritizing trauma-informed approaches for our kinship families and the broader community. Our mission is to enhance the well-being of children, adults, and families by offering high-quality, trauma-informed kinship care training and services. Eagle’s Wings CARES plays a pivotal role in supporting the community by equipping community leaders, stakeholders, and new staff members in various organizations with comprehensive trauma-informed care training. This training ensures they understand trauma, recognize its signs, and deliver care and services in a manner that is sensitive to the needs of those affected by trauma.

Therapy Training

Our Digital Literacy and Access Program bridges the technology gap for marginalized communities. We provide computer access, internet connectivity, and digital skills training, empowering individuals to access vital resources, connect with opportunities, and navigate the digital world with confidence.

Leadership and Management Training

Our Digital Literacy and Access Program bridges the technology gap for marginalized communities. We provide computer access, internet connectivity, and digital skills training, empowering individuals to access vital resources, connect with opportunities, and navigate the digital world with confidence.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Training

Our Digital Literacy and Access Program bridges the technology gap for marginalized communities. We provide computer access, internet connectivity, and digital skills training, empowering individuals to access vital resources, connect with opportunities, and navigate the digital world with confidence.

Self Care Training

Our Digital Literacy and Access Program bridges the technology gap for marginalized communities. We provide computer access, internet connectivity, and digital skills training, empowering individuals to access vital resources, connect with opportunities, and navigate the digital world with confidence.